Economic Regulation 

This is where the Institute posts material related to economic regulation, particularly of utility sectors such as water, energy, transport and telecoms, along with the wider regulation of the environment. If you have material to add, or would like to help curate this page, please contact us

Economic regulation involves the imposition of rules, backed by penalties and sanctions, that are intended to modify the economic behaviour of individuals and firms. Regulation, for example, limits choices in certain economic areas, including prices, supply, rates of return, information disclosure, methods of production, standards for products or services, and conditions of service.

The information here relates particularly to the regulation of utilities and the environment. Economic regulation takes place elsewhere too, particularly as part of business regulation.

Organisations involved in economic regulation in the utility and transport sectors include:

  • Ofcom is the UK’s communications regulator of TV, radio, video-on-demand, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, and the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

  • Ofgem, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, protects consumers by regulating for a greener, fairer energy system.

  • Office for Nuclear Regulation protects society by regulating for safe nuclear operations.

  • Ofwat, the Water Services Regulation Authority, is responsible for economic regulation of the privatised water and sewerage industry in England and Wales.

  • The Office of Rail and Road is the safety and economic regulator of Britain’s railways and highways, and the railways competition authority, enforcing consumer protection.

  • The Utility Regulator regulates the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries in Northern Ireland.

  • The Water Industry Commissioner for Scotland regulates water and sewerage services in Scotland.

Organisations involved in environmental regulation include: 

Further reading and information: